Roman urn with lid and handles. Many believe this is a unique type of glassware from this era. Much of what has been discovered remains well-preserved in heaps or under the ash layers of Pompeii. Several museums in Germany, Italy, and even France feature urns in their collections, and this piece is no exception.
Recreated from various findings, it fits perfectly in a camp setting as well as at home. Use it to store dry goods or serve punch at your next gathering! With its 1.5-liter capacity, this is one of the largest glass items in our inventory. It stands firmly on a broad base and comes with a lidded top. Blue in color, just like many urns found from this period.
We know many are looking for small yet striking details to enhance their camps or feasts. Perhaps it's time for your organization to acquire one and elevate your next event?
Klass; B